Call Laura

Have you embraced little habits, apps, systems, lists, etc. that have helped you stay on track, moving you towards your heart’s desire? I have had many, and I’m really excited about the latest tool I’ve been experimenting with.

That’s my big sister Laura being kissed by Frankie the Goldendoodle on a recent visit.

It’a two-sided card that I design, print, tweak, and then print again. Each pre-printed item on this little card represents a spiritual aim that I hope to experience each day.

“Call Laura” is mighty important.

Notice the third item on the list: Call Laura”? My sister Laura depends on me for emotional and logistical support. And, at around 7AM each morning I call her and she sings the most beautiful “gooooood morning!” ditty you’ve ever heard.

Some things on my list, such as Meditation and Observation, are for my spiritual growth, and that’s indispensable. But “Call Laura” is one of those “rubber meets the road” demonstrations. An action, reflecting the fact that I am ”God with skin on”, and the Universe put me in this time and place to serve my sister.

Sometimes I get really frustrated dealing with Laura. There is childhood junk that comes up around me having a mentally handicapped sister. But, that’s not what this is about. This is a physical action of dialing the number, listening to her, loving her, and being her brother and friend. Sometimes I get filled with anxiety when I go pick her up at her assisted living facility. That’s OK. I can feel that discomfort and still be there for Laura.

I can learn a lot by my attitude towards the “Call Laura” line on my list. When I talked to her a few minutes ago I was peppy and encouraging. Other days I am a wreck and I get hooked into her drama. Either way, I’m picking up the phone, calling her, and filling in this bubble. I am called to play this role. She is my ministry, and one of my greatest teachers.

I only print a dozen or so of these cards at a time at the little copy shop down the street, backed up, trimmed down, and ready to use. They are on a 80# card stock. The back side has very little printing and no background color, so I can write on it well. The front side’s full ink coverage makes it hard to write on, but I left the bubbles white, so it works great to simply fill in each bubble as I go. The whole thing is laid out in InDesign, from which I generate a PDF with crops, ready for output.

The card is 2.75” x 5.5”, which fits perfectly on the glass of my iPhone 11 Pro Max. When folded in half it becomes a square.

Again, the back side is simple. Just little bubbles for me to write out my list for the day and scratch them off as I go. Oh- and I placed my beautiful balloon up top, and my name at the bottom, in case I forget it.

So, let’s hear it: What is the “Call Laura” on your daily list?

If you are reading this, something tells me you have a similar non-negotiable item on your list. A person who you help because of a calling from Above.

So today, I would encourage you, my friend. If you are feeling weak and weary by the endless cycle of to-dos in your life, grab a pen and tinker with you list. Write out several things that mean the most to you, and that you feel are indispensable to your spiritual evolution.

There are no trivial items on this special list. For instance, notice the “Walk Frankie” item on my list. This is a fantastic barometer, reflecting my intentionality. If, by the end of the day, I skipped this walk with our dog, I know I am lowering the priority of being joyful in nature with my little buddy.

Joe   =)


Portals to Consciousness: The Breath


Portals to Consciousness: The Body