Portals to Consciousness: The Body

Who am I to talk about consciousness, let along portals to consciousness. Heck, 99% of this stuff is from my present guru, Eckart Tolle. I’m an imposter. I’m a fake. I’m not an artist and I’m not a writer. Whew! Now that we’ve gotten that nonsense out of the way, here is a little starter thought for you:

Hello. Everything is o.k. I love you. Some of this is going to be a little far-out. Some of these ideas may stretch you a bit. Some may challenge some preachy words from early in your life. Allow yourself to feel frustrated, curious, or suspicious. I felt that we too while being introduced to some of these practices.

Brace yourself: I’m going to ask you to do something very difficult. At least, it has been for me. Today I want to describe “consciousness.” Actually, forget that. No one can describe consciousness. One has to experience it directly.

But, while you do the exercise below, try to put aside, just for a few minutes, your conclusions about God, religion, Heaven, and the Universe. Believe me, I’m the poster-child for overcomplicating religion and spirituality. However, a while back I was introduced to this idea of conscious awareness, and it sliced through so much of the dogma and mumbo-jumbo I had hung my hat on for my whole life. Through lots and lots of practice, I can now, through meditation, consistently access a place of peace down deep inside of me. It is a level of consciousness I had never before experienced.

So ladies and gentlemen, I present to you the next in the groundbreaking series, Portals to Consciousness.

Portals to Consciousness: The Body

This brief talk by Eckhart Tolle changed my world. I used to think that objects and thoughts were my entire reality. Don’t get me wrong, I could talk about spirituality, but until I was formally introduced to my body, I was operating in the 3-D world alone.

Have a listen and let me know what you think.

For so many years I used “mindfulness meditation” to try to quiet my mind. But it only took me so far, because I was still mostly THINKING.

And then, I discovered this retreat that I can escape to 24/7: My inner body. An inner world of very brief glimpses, void of thought, judgement, back story, identity, trauma, labels, and all of the other decoys we call our selves.

So, where is my long-winded lecture and ultra-detailed instructions? The “teach a man to fish” saying might best sum up what I hope to convey. By the way, the oldest English-language use of this great proverb has been found in an Anne Ritchie (1885) novel. It is possibly a translation of an ancient Chinese saying.

Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.

Please my friends, don’t seek answers from people, objects, or thoughts. Practice and practice meditation, access your deepest plane of consciousness, and ALL answers will come.

Try the above exercise from my best friend Eckhart. He’s a good dude, and his teachings will never steer you wrong.

Your inner space is a wellspring of wisdom and love. Once the spring is tapped, flow just gets stronger and stronger.

Joe =)


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